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We all know the health benefits of stopping smoking but the biggest reason to quit smoking is money. If you love the idea of saving money and want to cut down on your expenses, quitting smoking is a great way to save some extra cash. While smoking cigarettes may look inexpensive, but in reality, they cost you a lot when you add in all of their costs: medical bills, visits to the dentist, missed workdays. This article will tell you how much money you can save from cutting down or quitting smoking entirely.

Cigarette Cost Affecting Your Wallet

"Smoking is expensive". That's a sentence you've heard your whole life, but did you know how much money it costs? According to the WHO, smoking will cost you $9.30 per day. For example, if you smoke 20 cigarettes per day, or a pack and a half each day, that's $607.30 per month in cigarette, costs alone. To put that into perspective, the average price of a PC is $500. That's like buying a brand new computer every year and a half.

Smoking Might Cause Early Expiration Of Your Clothes And Furniture

The smoke from cigarettes can cause permanent damage to your clothes and furniture. It happens because the chemicals in the smoke, like nicotine and tar, cling to fibers and irreversibly damage them and change their color. The same is true for furniture; its color begins to fade as soon as it's exposed to cigarette smoke.

Quitting Smoking May Decrease the Cost Related To Health

The risk of developing cancer, heart disease, lung disease, stroke, and other tobacco-related diseases will be reduced. Increase your quality of life by quitting smoking.

How Much Money Can You Save?

According to a study, if someone quit smoking at age 22 and lived an average lifestyle until their retirement at 66 years old, they could save up to $487k off their lifetime spending on cigarettes. It turns out that cutting back those habit-forming nicotine cravings can translate into huge savings over time.

You will save cash by quitting, but you will also protect yourself from all those harmful chemicals that go into cigarettes and secondhand smoke.